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How to Prepare for the Job Interview


How to Prepare for the Job Interview

What if someone has a better credential than yours? Nothing compares when one is prepared. Preparing for the dreadful job interview will give you the confidence that every prospective employer sees during that first impression.


  1. Research about the company's profile and background. Arm yourself with the knowledge about the industry to impress your employer.
  2. Set your mind to why you can be the best candidate for the job, and explain what you can do.
  3. Prepare your questions too. Participating actively during the interview gives a good impression of interest on the job.
  4. Learn to listen when needed.
  5. Know your resume especially your weaknesses. Prepare to defend them.
  6. Be aware of your posture - to stand straight without slouching.
  7. Mentally prepare for the interview taking deep breaths. Focus on a positive result which will work better for you.
  8. Don't munch on junk food while waiting for the interview. You wouldn't want to shake hands with crumbs with the employer.
  9. Don't play with your chair while awaiting being called.
  10. Secure your clip-on tie so it won't fall off during the interview.
  11. No lunch bag please.
  12. Dress smart and professional. A must.
  13. Practice, practice, practice your script to boost self confidence. You will shine. It will show.
  14. Go to bed early the day (or the days) before the interview. Showing up at the company looking fit instead of sleepy leaves a much better impression.


  • Preparing for the job interview should be taken seriously. The competition against another candidate with a better qualification is fierce. Preparation helps you keep what's in your mind, and not slip it when you're in a most uncomfortable position. An interview is the key before a company hires you, so you better discover how to sell yourself before meeting with the prospective employer.

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